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Warsini Warsini
Ditya Yankusuma Setiani
Ratna Indriati


Latar Belakang: kasus positif Covid-19 di Kabupaten Sukoharjo tahun 2021 mencapai 12.350 dan terus mengalami penambahan jumlah. Dari jumlah tersebut terdapat 168 kasus positif Covid-19 pada ibu hamil. Tingginya angka kejadian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil perlu mendapatkan prioritas pemberian vaksin Covid-19. Kondisi fisiologis dan psikologis ibu hamil sering kali mengalami perubahan sehingga menimbulkan penurunan fungsi dari imunitas ibu dan dapat menyebabkan ibu hamil rentan untuk terinfeksi Covid-19. Kondisi ini dapat memunculkan kecemasan akan dampak dan efek samping yang timbul paska pemberian vaksinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan persepsi ibu hamil tentang vaksinasi Covid-19 dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 di masa pandemi Covid-19. Subjek dan Metode: jenis penelitian ini analitik korelasional dengan desain cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi ibu hamil dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19.  Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan usia kehamilan 13-33 minggu pada bulan Januari – Februari 2023 dengan sampel yang diambil adalah total sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan analisa bivariat yaitu uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas persepsi responden tentang vaksin Covid-19 adalah positif yaitu 25 responden (61%) dan 16 responden mempunyai persepsi negatif (39%). Mayoritas responden melaksanakan vaksinasi Covid-19 yaitu 39 responden (95%) dan hanya 2 responden yang tidak melaksanakan vaksinasi Covid-19 (5%). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak terdapat  hubungan yang secara statistik signifikan antara persepsi tentang vaksin Covid-19 dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 (OR = 1,6 CI 95% 0,93 - 27,547; p=0,744). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat  hubungan yang secara statistik signifikan antara persepsi tentang vaksin Covid-19 dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 (OR = 1,6 CI 95% 0,93 - 27,547; p=0,744).


Kata kunci: ibu hamil, kecemasan, persepsi, vaksin Covid-19


Background: positive cases of Covid-19 in Sukoharjo Regency in 2021 reached 12,350 and the number continues to increase. Of this number, there were 168 positive cases of Covid-19 in pregnant women. The high incidence rate shows that pregnant women need to receive priority for the Covid-19 vaccine. The physiological and psychological conditions of pregnant women often change, resulting in a decrease in the function of the mother's immunity and can make pregnant women vulnerable to Covid-19 infection. This condition can give rise to anxiety about the impacts and side effects that arise after vaccination. This research aims to determine the relationship between pregnant women's perceptions about Covid-19 vaccination and the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination during the Covid-19 pandemic. Subjects and Methods: This type of research is correlational analytical with a cross sectional design to determine the relationship between pregnant women's perceptions and the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination. The subjects in this study were all pregnant women who underwent pregnancy checks with a gestational age of 13-33 weeks in January – February 2023 with the total sampling taken. The collected data was analyzed using bivariate analysis, namely the Chi Square test. The results of this research show that the majority of respondents' perceptions about the Covid-19 vaccine are positive, namely 25 respondents (61%) and 16 respondents have negative perceptions (39%). The majority of respondents carried out the Covid-19 vaccination, namely 39 respondents (95%) and only 2 respondents did not carry out the Covid-19 vaccination (5%). The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between perceptions about the Covid-19 vaccine and the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination (OR = 1.6 CI 95% 0.93 - 27.547; p=0.744). The conclusion of this study is that there is no statistically significant relationship between perceptions about the Covid-19 vaccine and the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination (OR = 1.6 CI 95% 0.93 - 27.547; p=0.744).


Keywords: anxiety, Covid-19 vaccine, perception, pregnant women


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KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan