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Warsini Warsini
Sri Aminingsih
Budi Kristanto


Angka kejadian stunting di Indonesia tahun 2021 sebesar 24,4%, menurun pada tahun 2022 menjadi 21,6%. Meskipun menurun namun masih tergolong tinggi dibandingkan standar yang ditetapkan WHO (World Health Organization). Provinsi dengan angka stunting tertinggi di Pulau Jawa tahun 2022 adalah Jawa Tengah (20,8%), lebih tinggi dari Jawa Barat (20,2%), Banten (20%), DKI Jakarta (14,8%), Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (16,4%) dan Jawa Timur (19,2%). Stunting mempunyai dampak yang sangat merugikan karena dalam jangka pendek bisa menyebabkan gagal tumbuh dan hambatan perkembangan, serta jangka panjang menyebabkan menurunnya kapasitas intelektual, gangguan struktur dan fungsi saraf serta sel-sel otak yang permanen, menyebabkan kemampuan menyerap pelajaran di usia sekolah menurun sehingga berpengaruh pada produktivitasnya saat dewasa. Stunting meningkatkan terjadinya penyakit tidak menular seperti diabetes melitus, hipertensi, jantung koroner dan stroke. Mengingat dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan maka kejadian stunting harus diturunkan sesuai standar WHO yaitu di bawah 20%, sehingga negara mentargetkan penurunan angka kejadian stunting sebesar 14% pada tahun 2024. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh kombinasi pemberian olahan protein hewani pada MP-ASI dan visual media education terhadap berat badan anak dengan stunting. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimen dengan pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah anak dengan stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jayengan Kota Surakarta dengan kategori BB/U kurang yaitu 9 responden dengan teknik total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur terbanyak adalah 2 tahun 3 bulan (22,2) dan 2 tahun 7 bulan (22,2%), jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah perempuan (55,6%), pendidikan orang tua mayoritas adalah SMP  (44,4%), jumlah anak dalam keluarga terbanyak adalah 2 anak (55,6%), pendapatan orang tua anak sebagian besar di bawah UMR (66,7%). Hasil analisis uji Paired t-test menunjukkan rata-rata berat badan sesudah intervensi (Mean= 10,61; SD= 1,08) lebih besar daripada sebelum intervensi (Mean= 10,06; SD= 1,08), dengan Effect Size (Cohens’d)= 0,50, dan p=0,003. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian terapi kombinasi olahan protein hewani pada MP-ASI dan visual media education efektif untuk menambah berat badan sebagai indikator status gizi anak dengan stunting.

Kata kunci: berat badan, MP-ASI, protein hewani, stunting, visual media education

The incidence of stunting in Indonesia in 2021 was 24.4%, decreasing in 2022 to 21.6%. Although decreasing, it is still relatively high compared to the standards set by WHO (World Health Organization). The province with the highest stunting rate in Java in 2022 was Central Java (20.8%), higher than West Java (20.2%), Banten (20%), DKI Jakarta (14.8%), Special Region of Yogyakarta (16.4%) and East Java (19.2%). Stunting has a very detrimental impact because in the short term it can cause growth failure and developmental disabilities, and in the long term it causes decreased intellectual capacity, permanent disorders of nerve structure and function and brain cells, causing the ability to absorb lessons at school age to decrease, thus affecting productivity as adults. Stunting increases the occurrence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke. Given the negative impacts caused, the incidence of stunting must be reduced according to WHO standards, which is below 20%, so that the country targets a reduction in the incidence of stunting by 14% by 2024. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of providing processed animal protein in MP-ASI and visual media education on the weight of children with stunting. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post test design. The population of this study were children with stunting in the Jayengan Health Center work area of ??Surakarta City with the BB/A category of less than 9 respondents with a total sampling technique. The results showed that the largest age was 2 years 3 months (22.2) and 2 years 7 months (22.2%), the largest gender was female (55.6%), the majority of parents' education was junior high school (44.4%), the largest number of children in the family was 2 children (55.6%), the income of the children's parents was mostly below the minimum wage (66.7%). The results of the Paired t-test analysis showed that the average weight after the intervention (Mean = 10.61; SD = 1.08) was greater than before the intervention (Mean = 10.06; SD = 1.08), with Effect Size (Cohens'd) = 0.50, and p = 0.003. The conclusion of this study is that the provision of combination therapy of animal protein processing in MP-ASI and visual media education is effective in increasing body weight as an indicator of the nutritional status of children with stunting.

Keyword: animal protein, MP-ASI, stunting, visual media education, weight


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KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan