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Festy Mahanani Mulyaningrum
Sutrisno Sutrisno


Latar belakang: menurut IDF 537 juta orang dewasa orang diseluruh dunia diperkirakan mengalami diabetes mellitus. Data RSUD Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi jumlah pasien diabetes mellitus tahun 2022 sebanyak 400 orang. Diabetes mellitus dapat menyebabkan komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi adalah ulkus diabetik. Angka kejadian ulkus diabetik di dunia adalah 6,5 % , di Indonesia 15% dan setiap tahun 2% diantara semua pasien. Dengan demikian pengetahuan sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mencegah terjadinya komplikasi ulkus diabetik. Semakin baik pengetahuan tentang penyakit semakin baik pula pencegahan yang akan dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui model promosi kesehatan pasien diabetes mellitus terhadap perilaku pencegahan terjadinya ulkus diabetik di RSUD Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain case control. Sampel yang digunakan 50 orang dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Berdasarkan uji Chi Square didapatkan hasil p value sebesar 0,004 < ? (0,05) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima dengan nilai OR 7,111. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan Model promosi kesehatan pasien diabetes mellitus terhadap perilaku pencegahan terjadinya ulkus diabetik di RSUD Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi.


Kata kunci: diabetes mellitus, model promosi kesehatan, perilaku pencegahan, ulkus diabetik


Background: according to the IDF, 537 million adults worldwide are estimated to have diabetes mellitus. Data from Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi Hospital, the number of diabetes mellitus patients in 2022 is 400 people. Diabetes mellitus can cause complications. One of the complications that often occurs is diabetic ulcers. The incidence of diabetic ulcers in the world is 6.5%, in Indonesia 15% and every year 2% among all patients. Thus knowledge is needed to be able to prevent the occurrence of complications of Diabetic Ulcer. The better the knowledge about the disease, the better the prevention will be done. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of diabetes mellitus patients on the behavior of preventing the occurrence of diabetic ulcers at Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi Hospital. This type of quantitative research uses case control design. The sample used 50 people with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using chi square test. Results showed that based on the chi square test obtained a p value of 0.004 < ? (0.05) then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted with an OR value of 7.111. The conclusion of the study showed that there is a relationship between the health promotion model for diabetes mellitus patients and the behavior of preventing the occurrence of diabetic ulcers at RSUD Dr. R. Soedjati Soemodiardjo Purwodadi.


Keywords: diabetes mellitus, diabetic ulcer, health promotion, preventive behavior


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KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan