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Iyar Siswandi
Budi Kristanto
Warsini Warsini


Latar belakang : masa remaja merupakan suatu fase perkembangan antara masa kanak-kanak dan masa dewasa. Mahasiswa tingkat I dan ll tergolong masa remaja akhir yakni usia 18-21 tahun, dimana pada usia ini seharusnya sudah mengetahui tentang personal hygiene yang baik, mengingat mahasiswa merupakan calon tenaga kesehatan yang harus memelihara kebersihan diri dan dimulai dari diri sendiri terlebih dahulu sebelum menerapkan kepada orang lain maupun pasien.

Tujuan penelitian : untuk mengetahui gambaran personal hygiene mahasiswa tingkat I dan ll di Sekolah Tinggi Imu Kesehatan Panti Kosala.

Subyek dan metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa tingkat 1 dan ll sebanyak 172 orang. Sampel 63 orang diambil dengan teknik proporsional stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan pedoman kuesioner dan analisa data menggunakan rumus persentase.

Hasil penelitian : berdasarkan hasil kuisioner menunjukkan indikator kebersihan kulit mayoritas adalah cukup yaitu 27 mahasiswa (43%), indikator kebersihan kuku mayoritas cukup sebanyak 25 mahasiswa (39,5%), indikator kebersihan gigi mulut mayoritas baik sebanyak 23 mahasiswa (36,5%), indikator kebersihan rambut mayoritas baik sebanyak 28 mahasiswa (44%), kebersihan mata mayoritas baik dan cukup dengan masing-masing adalah 22 mahasiswa (35%) dan kebersihan telinga mayoritas adalah baik yaitu 25 mahasiswa (40%).

Kesimpulan : berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa personal hygiene mahasiswa tingkat I dan ll di STIKES Panti Kosala mayoritas adalah kategori baik.


Kata kunci : personal hygiene, remaja


Background : adolescence is a developmental phase between childhood and adulthood. Students level I and ll is the final adolescence, namely the age of 18-21 years, at this age should already know how good personal hygiene, especially for prospective students of health workers should maintain personal hygiene efforts should start from themselves first before applying to others or patients. The aim of the study : to find out how the personal hygiene picture of students level 1 and ll at STIKES Panti Kosala. Subjects and Methods : the research design used is descriptive research. The population in this study is all 1st and ll-level students as many as 172 peoples. Sampled 63 peoples with stratified random sampling proportional sampling techniques, data collection using questionnaire guidelines. Data was analyzed used the percentage formula.

Results : based on the results of the questionnaire showed that the majority of skin hygiene indicators were sufficient, namely 27 students (43%), the majority of nail hygiene indicators were sufficient as many as 25 students (39.5%), the majority of oral dental hygiene indicators were good as many as 23 students (36.5% ), the majority of hair hygiene indicators were good as many as 28 students (44%), the majority of eye hygiene was adequate and good with 22 students each (35%) and the majority of ear hygiene was good, namely 25 students (40%).

Conclusion: based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the personal hygiene of students level I and II at STIKES Panti Kosala is in good category.


Keywords: adolescents, personal hygiene


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KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan