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Background and Objectives: The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia reaches
31.7%. In developing countries including Indonesia, deaths from hypertension and its
complications reach 80%. In addition, about 54% of stroke and 47% of heart disease in
the world caused by hypertension. Although pharmacological and non-pharmacological
hypertension management efforts have been done, but the incidence of hypertension and
its complications tend to increase, so there is a need to research for more therapeutic
alternatives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tahajud prayer
therapy on blood pressure in hypertensive clients.
Methods and Subjects Research: Quasy Experiment research with one group pre test
post test design. Subject of research 28 respondents taken by simple random sampling.
Results: (1) The highest percentage of hypertension is moderate hypertension category
that reaches 60.7% (2) Majority or 85.7%, hypertensive patients do not perform treatment
or management well and regularly.
Conclusion: tahajud prayer significantly influences as a therapy to lower blood pressure.
Keywords: Hypertension, Tahajud