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Hipertensi pada lansia, semakin hari dan semakin tahun jumlah lansia yang harus dikontrol tekanan darahnya semakin meningkat sehingga dengan meningkatnya jumlah lansia mestinya dibarengi dengan upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan para lansia tersebut. Salah satu upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan lansia tersebut adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat lansia dengan memberikan informasi melalui sosialisasi pengetahuan yang terkait dengan penatalaksanaan hipertensi dengan mengajak lansia berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan di wilayahnya, menyebarluaskan informasi kesehatan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok lansia di Kelurahan Joyotakan wilayah Puskesmas Kratonan tersebut adalah: 1). Masih rendahnya pengetahuan lansia tentang pengertian hipertensi 2) Masih rendahnya pengetahuan lansia tentang penyebab hipertensi 3) Masih rendahnya pengetahuan lansia tentang pencegahan hipertensi 4) Masih rendahnya pengetahuan lansia tentang penatalaksanaan hipertensi 5)Belum adanya lansia yang dapat mempraktekkan tentang senam hipertensi. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah : 1) Lansia bertambah pengetahuannya terkait pengertian hipertensi 2) Lansia bertambah pengetahuannya terkait penyebab hipertensi ; 3) Lansia bertambah pengetahuannya terkait pencegahan hipertensi, 4) Lansia bertambah pengetahuannya terkait penatalaksanaan hipertensi 5) Diharapkan lansia setelah menerima sosialisasi dan praktek tentang senam hipertensi kader mampu mempraktekkan senam hipertensi. Solusi yang ditawarkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi sosialisasi tentang pengertian hipertensi, pencegahan hipertensi, penyebab hipertensi dan penatalaksanaan hipertensi.
Kata kunci: edukasi, hipertensi, penatalaksan
Hypertension in the elderly. As the years go by, the number of elderly people whose blood pressure must be controlled is increasing, so that increasing the number of elderly people should be accompanied by efforts to improve the health status of these elderly people. One of the efforts that has been made to improve the health status of the elderly is empowering the elderly community by providing information through the dissemination of knowledge related to the management of hypertension by inviting the elderly to participate in activities in their area, disseminating health information. Problems faced by the elderly group in the Joyotakan sub-district of the community health center area. The cartons are: 1) The elderly's knowledge about the meaning of hypertension is still low. 2) The elderly's knowledge about the causes of hypertension is still low. 3) The elderly's knowledge about the prevention of hypertension is still low. 4) The elderly's knowledge about the management of hypertension is still low. 5) There are no elderly who can practice hypertension exercises. The objectives of this service are: 1) Elderly people increase their knowledge regarding the meaning of hypertension. 2) Elderly people increase their knowledge regarding the causes of hypertension; 3) The elderly will increase their knowledge regarding the prevention of hypertension, 4) The elderly will increase their knowledge regarding the management of hypertension. 5) It is hoped that after receiving socialization and practice regarding hypertension exercises, the cadres will be able to practice hypertension exercises. The solutions offered in this service activity include: socialization was carried out about the meaning of hypertension, prevention of hypertension, causes of hypertension and management of hypertension.
Keywords: education, hypertension, management