ABDIMAS KOSALA is a community service journal, a national periodical that contains articles related to community service activities. The focus of this journal is the dissemination of information related to community service activities in the health sector. The scope of this journal is findings, innovations, applied science and scientific technology in the health sector. Through this publication, it is hoped that dissemination related to findings, innovations and the application of scientific science and technology in the health sector can be carried out in solving health problems in the community as part of active participation in improving public health status. ABDIMAS KOSALA is published twice a year (January and July) by SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN PANTI KOSALA. We receive articles in Indonesian from all practitioners and health observers regarding findings, innovations and community service activities carried out in order to contribute to the progress of the nation. All submitted articles will undergo a review process according to standard criteria. This journal was first published in January 2022 with the publication of Vol 1 No 1 (2022) as well as a prerequisite for submitting an e-ISSN.

Peer Review Process

Accepted manuscripts are reviewed by reviewers within 4 weeks. Reviewers are determined by the editor. The editor sends the manuscript to the reviewer. Papers that do not meet the criteria for submission will be rejected. Based on the reviewer's comments, the editor will then accept or reject the paper with the following conditions: (1) Accept and publish, with or without editorial revision, (2) Ask the author to revise the manuscript, (3) Reject the article outright. The Editor in Chief will make the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles regarding aspects of style, format and clarity.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides direct open access to its content to support greater global knowledge exchange.

Publication Ethics

This journal follows the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) for the ethical aspects of publication, in particular how to handle cases of publication infringement.In this section, we describe the standards for editors, writers, and reviewers. In addition, the publisher does not have the right to change the content and is only in charge of publishing in a timely manner. 

For Editors :

a. Editors must be responsible for every article published in ABDIMAS KOSALA.

b. The editor must help the author to follow the writing rules that have been determined

c. Editors can communicate with other editors or reviewers in making the final decision.

d. An editor must evaluate manuscripts objectively for publication, assessing quality regardless of the author's nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation. Editors must refuse their work when there is a potential conflict of interest.

e. Editors need to ensure that documents sent to reviewers do not contain information from the authors, and vice versa.

f. The editor's decision must be informed to the author along with the reviewer's comment unless it contains offensive or defamatory comments.

g. Editors and all staff must ensure the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts.

h. Editors will be guided by the COPE flowchart in case of alleged infringement or disputed authorship.

For Reviewers :

a. Reviewers need to comment on ethical questions and possible research and publication violations.

b. Reviewers do work on time and must notify editors if they are unable to complete work.

c. Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.

d. Reviewers should not accept to review manuscripts where there is a potential conflict of interest between them and any author.

For Author :

a. The author makes a written statement on the seal to confirm that the material has not been previously published or is in the process of being published.

b. Authors must ensure the authenticity of the work and that they have properly cited the work of others according to the reference format.

c. The author may not commit plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

d. Authors must follow the writing criteria described in the writing rules on ABDIMAS KOSALA

e. Authors must provide the editor with data and work details if there is any suspicion of falsification or falsification of data.

f. Journal authors must clarify anything that could cause a conflict of interest in the document.

Publication Frequency

The Journal is published twice a year (in January and July)

Online submissions

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Author Fee

This journal charges the following author fee

Article Publication: 200.000.00 (IDR)

If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an article publication fee to cover publications fee.