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Ni Komang Yuni Rahyani
Ni Komang Erny Astiti


Rekomendasi WHO terkait asuhan nifas mencakup dukungan psikososial untuk mencegah depresi postpartum. Pemahaman dan pelibatan anggota keluarga terkait baby blues dan depresi postpartum sangat dibutuhkan. Media edukasi yang tepat dan sederhana juga perlu disiapkan sehingga memudahkan penyampaian pesan kepada sasaran. Tujuan pengabdian adalah  membimbing  ibu hamil dan ibu nifas di UPTD Dinas kesehatan I Kecamatan Denpasar Timur upaya mengenal dan tatalaksana baby blues serta depresi postpartum melalui yoga dan totok wajah. Metode pengabdian adalah dengan melakukan bimbingan dan pendampingan pada ibu hamil Trimester III akhir sampai masa postpartum minggu keempat. Untuk mengamati dampak atau efek dari kegiatan bimbingan tentang yoga dan totok wajah melalui kelas ibu hamil. Sebelum diberikan bimbingan, ibu hamil diberikan pretest, selanjutnya dilakukan demonstrasi oleh pengabdi dan bidan di puskesmas tentang yoga dan totok wajah. Media yang digunakan adalah lembar balik tentang yoga dan totok wajah. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan sejak Juli sampai September 2023. Luaran wajib berupa media lembar balik dan sertifikat hak kekayaan intelektual, serta luaran tambahan berupa publikasi hasil pengabdian pada jurnal pengabmas nasional. Hasil yang diperoleh, responden yang dilibatkan sejumlah 28 orang ibu hamil trimester III akhir. Berdasarkan karakteristik responden rata-rata berusia 25,71 tahun, sebagian berpendidikan menengah (18 orang/64,29%), riwayat kehamilan adalah multigravida (16 orang/57,14%) dan sebagian besar responden (25 orang/89,29%) tidak mengalami komplikasi selama proses kehamilan sampai nifas. Hasil skor posttest dan pretest yoga menunjukkan perbedaan yang sangat signifikan (p-value <0,000). Skor depresi postpartum pada postest mengalami penurunan secara signifikan (p<0,000) jika dibandingkan dengan skor pretest.  Upaya mengenal tanda gejala baby blues dan depresi postpartum perlu dilaksanakan secara kontinyu dan inovatif. Upaya bimbingan yoga dan totok wajah yang memberikan efek relaksasi serta mudah dilaksanakan sebagai alternatif utama.


Kata kunci: baby blues, depresi postpartum, totok wajah, yoga


WHO recommendations regarding postpartum care include psychosocial support to prevent postpartum depression. Understanding and involving family members regarding baby blues and postpartum depression is needed. Appropriate and simple educational media also need to be prepared so that it makes it easier to convey the message to the target. The aim of the service is to guide pregnant and postpartum mothers at UPTD Dinas Kesehatan I Kecamatan Denpasar Timur, in efforts to recognize and treat baby blues and postpartum depression through yoga and facial acupressure. The service method is by providing guidance and assistance to pregnant women in the third trimester until the fourth week of postpartum. To observe the impact or effects of guidance activities on yoga and facial acupressure through classes for pregnant women. Before being given guidance, pregnant women are given a pretest, then a demonstration is carried out by community health workers and midwives at the community health center about yoga and facial acupressure. The media used are flip sheets about yoga and facial acupressure. Service activities will be carried out from July to September 2023. Obligatory outputs are in the form of flip media and intellectual property rights certificates, as well as additional outputs in the form of publication of service results in national community service journals. The results obtained were that the respondents involved were 28 pregnant women in the final third trimester. Based on the characteristics of the respondents, the average age was 25.71 years, some had secondary education (18 people/64.29%), pregnancy history was multigravida (16 people/57.14%), and the majority of respondents (25 people/89.29 %) did not experience complications during pregnancy until postpartum. The results of the yoga posttest and pretest scores showed a very significant difference (p-value <0.000. The postpartum depression score in the posttest decreased significantly (p<0.000) when compared with the pretest score. Efforts to recognize the signs of baby blues and postpartum depression need to be carried out carefully. continuous and innovative. Yoga guidance and facial acupressure efforts which provide a relaxing effect and are easy to implement are the main alternative.


Keywords: baby blues, postpartum depression, yoga, facial acupressure

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